Maxi-Bolt Application - Petro-Chemical Plants
The 1-1/2" anchors holding down this vessel corroded down to 1" and needed to be replaced quickly because of the upcoming hurricane season. The bolts were embedded over 3 feet and had a nut down at the bottom. We used our anchor bolt removal system to extract the existing anchor, undercut the hole and went back in with a 1-1/4" Maxi-Bolt. The replacement Maxi-Bolt actually increased the capacity over that of the original anchor because Maxi-Bolts are made from a high strength steel. The 1-1/4" Maxi-Bolt requires a 2" diameter hole to install because it has a sleeve on it, so no chemical or grout is needed to fill the hole. Since Drillco has an office in Houston, our representative was able to do the job in a turnkey application. Since electric tools were not allowed on the site, pneumatic tools were used to do the job.