Features and Advantages of the Drillco Maxi-Bolt
The Drillco Maxi Bolt combines the capacity and reliability of cast in place anchors with the convenience and ease of installation of expansion anchors. Utilizing a patented Drillco Undercutting Tool (Pat. #4,307,636) to form a conical undercut hole in concrete, the Maxi Bolt consistently develops the full capacity of it's ASTM A193 B7 bolting material without slippage. The Maxi Bolt is available in 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 1", and 1 1/4" diameters providing factored design load capacities from 2.7 to 85 Kips. Stainless steel and A36 Maxi Bolts are also available on a special order basis.

Advantages Over Epoxy Bolts
- Save Time: It takes less time to install a Maxi Bolt than it does an epoxy bolt. Installing Maxi Bolts reduces labor cost per bolt and helps keep you on schedule.
- No Waiting: Unlike epoxy bolts, as soon as the Maxi Bolt is installed it is ready to accept a load. You don't have to wait while the epoxy cures.
- Temperature: The Maxi Bolt can be installed regardless of the ambient temperature. Extreme heat or cold doesn't effect the Maxi Bolt.
- Overhead Installation: Maxi Bolts can be installed overhead easily while epoxy bolts are difficult and messy to install.
- Non Toxic: The Maxi Bolt is non toxic and needs no special environmental procedures in place to dispose of used chemicals.
- High Strength: The Maxi Bolt utilizes a high strength stud bolt fabricated from ASTM A193 Grade B7 material (ultimate strength = 125,000 psi), tested and used in nuclear power plants the world over.
- Predictability: Unlike the epoxy bolt, the Maxi Bolt has a known ultimate value and predictable failure mode without all the installation variables.
- American Made: The Maxi Bolt is made exclusively by Drillco Devices Ltd.and made completely in Long Island City, NY